Pastor's Welcome:
Please come visit us now that we have restarted our in church services and follow our messages on or our Facebook page. We will continue to post videos of all our services on this site and on Face Book in case you are not ready to attend in person. |
We come together on Sundays because we find in our church family the encouragement, refreshment, teaching, and real love that we need. We are blessed to share that love. As you visit with us, we trust that you will find some part of what you need. If you have questions about our worship, about opportunities in our church or about any of the many things we do, please don't hesitate to ask them. We are delighted that you are here. Pastor Kris |
Theology - for more information:
Some of the principles articulated by John Calvin are still at the core of Presbyterian beliefs. Among these are the sovereignty of God, the authority of Scripture, justification by grace through faith and the priesthood of all believers. What these tenets mean is that God is the supreme authority throughout the universe. Our knowledge of God and God’s purpose for humanity comes from the Bible, particularly what is revealed in the New Testament through the life of Jesus Christ. Our salvation (justification) through Jesus is God’s generous gift to us and not the result of our own accomplishments. It is everyone’s job — ministers and lay people alike — to share this Good News with the whole world. That is also why the Presbyterian church is governed at all levels by a combination of clergy and laity, men and women alike.
What do I wear? Where do I park? |
We are a welcoming church. Come as you are, we dress casually.
What else do I need to know? Just check out the material on the other pages here to find times and more information on our schedules. If you have questions, please contact us using the contact page here on the web site or call 512-360-5231 and leave a message.